Earing That She May Give Way to Alec Again Tess

Tess of the d'Urbervilles
A Pure Adult female
By Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
A Study Guide
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Tess equally a Naturalistic Novel
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Nature Imagery
Ironic Thesis
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Complete Costless Text
Plot Summary
By Michael J. Cummings ... � 2008
....... One evening belatedly in May, John Durbeyfield is walking dwelling house to Marlott, a village in Blackmoor Vale, when he encounters Parson Tringham on a grayness mare. When they exchange greetings, the parson addresses Durbeyfield equally Sir John. Durbeyfield, a common peddler and carter who describes himself every bit a haggler, is non used to receiving such respect. It was the third time in a calendar month that Tringham had addressed him every bit Sir John.
....... Curious, Durbeyfield asks Tringham why he keeps addressing him that mode. The minister, a devoted antiquarian, says he discovered during inquiry on county history that the Durbeyfields descended from a noble family, the d'Urbervilles. One of the d'Urbervilles was a French knight who traveled to England with William the Conqueror.
....... �Branches of your family held manors all over this role of England," Tringham says.
....... Durbeyfield replies, �And hither accept I been knocking about, year after yr, from pillar to post, equally if I was no more the commonest feller in the parish."
....... Later on, on the way to a country trip the light fantastic, Durbeyfield�s teenage daughter, Tess, runs into her father. Fancying himself a nobleman, he is singing well-nigh his ancestry while riding in a railroad vehicle he rented from the Pure Drib Inn to take him the residuum of the style dwelling. When the other girls with Tess express mirth at him, Tess defends him, saying he is tired and has decided to ride home �considering our own equus caballus has to rest to-24-hour interval."
....... At the dance is an outsider, Affections Clare, a handsome student of aristocratic begetting. Along with his older brothers, Cuthbert and Felix, he is on a walking tour of Blackmoor. Because Cuthbert and Felix do non wish to associate with common country girls, they continue their walk.
....... To the dismay of Tess, Angel chooses another daughter as a dancing partner. But when he leaves to take hold of upwards with his brothers, his eyes encounter hers, and he is sorry that he had non seen her sooner.
....... That evening, Tess�due south male parent reveals to his family that the Durbeyfields come from noble stock, the d'Urbervilles. And what a boon! For at present Mr. and Mrs. Durbeyfield tin can prevail upon a wealthy family of that name in a neighboring village, Trantridge, to provide fiscal assist for the indigent Durbeyfields. Tess is singled out to do the asking. She might even match upward with an eligible d'Urberville bachelor while performing her task. If she marries coin, riches volition period to the Durbeyfield household. Such a prospect gladdens old Jack Durbeyfield, who loathes hard work.
....... Meanwhile, the family must transport beehives to the retail marketplace in Casterbridge more twenty miles abroad. To become at that place on fourth dimension for the morning commerce, their carriage must leave Marlott by 2 a.m. Because John Durbeyfield has gone to Rolliver�southward alehouse to gloat his dubbing, Tess agrees to make the journey with her lilliputian brother, Abraham, as company.
....... On the way, Tess falls comatose and the railroad vehicle veers into the wrong lane. A mail cart tearing along in the opposite management strikes the Durbeyfield horse, Prince, with its projecting shaft and kills it. It is a terrible accident to the Durbeyfields, for the horse was the backbone of their livelihood and a dearest member of the family unit. When a knacker and tanner offers to buy Prince�s carcass, John Durbeyfield refuses his offer, proverb, �When we d'Urbervilles was knights in the land, nosotros didn't sell our chargers for cat'south meat."
....... With all the family unit gathered around, the Durbeyfields coffin Prince on their land in a grave dug by John. There are tears. There is also the question of what they will do next. Mrs. Durbeyfield has the answer: Tess will go to the d'Urbervilles at Trantridge to claim kinship and seek aid. Tess does non dispute the plan�intimidating every bit it seems�because it was she who caused the death of Prince.
....... After walking to the town of Shaston, she takes a van to Trantridge, then walks to a forest district known as the Chase, on the edge of which is the estate of the d'Urbervilles. Actually, they are the Stoke-d�Urbervilles. What Tess does not know every bit she approaches the estate with trepidation is that these d'Urbervilles are not true d'Urbervilles. When the head of the family, Simon Stoke�at present deceased�moved to southern England, he had plenty of money he had earned in honest business (some said equally moneylender) in the n. Nevertheless, he lacked a name that would identify him and his family as patricians of long standing. After conducting research in the British Library on extinct, ruined, or otherwise deactivated noble families, he decided to braze the name of one of them, d�Urberville, to his ain. Hence, the wealthy Stoke family unit became the wealthy, aristocratic Stoke-d�Urberville family unit. Alec, the son of Simon, greets Tess on her arrival.
....... �Well, my Beauty, what can I do for you?"
....... Tess, embarrassed, identifies herself as a d�Urberville and says she has come to visit her relatives, hinting obliquely that she seeks help: �Mother said we ought to make ourselves beknown to you�every bit we�ve lost our horse past a bad accident, and are the oldest branch of the family."
....... Alec, quite taken with the striking young lady, escorts her on a tour of the grounds and then lunches with her in a tent. Afterward, he questions her near herself, her family unit, and the loss of the equus caballus. He then concludes the visit, maxim, �I must think if I can practise something for you. My mother must find a berth [task] for you lot."
....... On her trip back to Marlott, Tess stays the night in Shaston and resumes her journey the side by side day. Upon her render home, she reads a letter from Trantridge that arrived ahead of her. It announces that Mrs. Stoke-d�Urberville wishes to hire Tess to tend poultry. Tess would receive a room and a liberal wage.
....... After Tess�due south female parent urges her daughter to take the offer, Tess takes the task. Alec Stoke-d'Urberville picks her upwardly in his cart for the trip to Trantridge. Along the way, he makes advances toward her. When she resists, he promises to proceed his hands to himself.
....... At Trantridge, her task is to tend fowls housed in an old thatched cottage. One of her tasks is to take hens and roosters to Mrs. d�Urberville, who is blind, then she tin can experience and place them. Some other of her tasks is to whistle to the widow�s bullfinches.
....... �Nosotros teach �em arrogance that mode," Mrs. d�Urberville says.
....... Alec, meanwhile, continues to pursue Tess over the side by side several months. I September evening, she is returning with other girls from a trip the light fantastic when Machine Darch (chosen the Queen of Spades) gets syrup on her dress from a cleaved container in a grocery basket she is taking home. At that place is laughter. Tess contains herself for a while, then joins in. At that moment, Darch becomes angry and picks a fight with Tess. The other girls�including her sis, Nancy, chosen the Queen of Diamonds�back Darch. When they shut in on Tess, Alec happens by on his horse and rescues her.
....... Riding behind him on the saddle, she becomes weary. After a total 24-hour interval�s work, she had walked three miles to the dance and a mile back before Alec arrived. The trauma of the confrontation with the girls had taken its price too. Alec takes advantage of the situation, riding past the turnoff to his manor during a gathering fog, so presses Tess to yield to him. To make her feel obligated to him, he tells her he has bought her father another horse and the children some toys.
....... The fog thickens and they lose their way. Alec and Tess dismount. He gives Tess his glaze, and so walks off to find a landmark and go his bearings. Some distance away, he recognizes a argue and a route, so returns and finds Tess asleep. He kneels to her and decides to take what he wants. (Although the narrator does not say whether Alec rapes Tess or whether she awakes and willingly receives him, it appears that he takes her forcibly.)
....... In the ensuing weeks, Tess�s revulsion for Alec builds, and she returns home. In the summertime she bears his child, a boy. The infant fails to thrive and dies a calendar week later later on Tess baptizes him and names him Sorrow. The narrator describes the burial:
And then the babe was carried in a small deal box, nether an ancient adult female's shawl, to the churchyard that night, and cached by lantern-light, at the cost of a shilling and a pint of beer to the sexton, in that shabby corner of God's allocation where He lets the nettles abound, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid. In spite of the untoward environment, however, Tess bravely made a little cross of two laths and a piece of cord, and having leap information technology with flowers, she stuck information technology upwardly at the head of the grave one evening when she could enter the churchyard without being seen, putting at the foot besides a agglomeration of the same flowers in a little jar of h2o to go along them alive.  What matter was information technology that on the outside of the jar the eye of mere observation noted the words "Keelwell's Marmalade"? The eye of maternal amore did non meet them in its vision of higher things.
....... Two years pass. Tess takes a job milking cows at Talbothays dairy farm several miles away. It is a large performance, with more i hundred milkers under the supervision of main dairyman Richard Crick, a kindly homo who welcomes Tess warmly. There she encounters Angel Clare, the boyfriend she saw at the May dance on the night of the blow that killed Prince. His appearance is changed somewhat since she first saw him:
She saw by degrees that since their get-go and only encounter his mobile face had grown more thoughtful, and had acquired a young man's shapely moustache and bristles�the latter of the palest straw colour where it began upon his cheeks, and deepening to a warm brown farther from its root.
....... He had recently decided to pursue a career in agronomics rather than become a clergyman like his begetter, the Rev. James Clare, and his older brothers, Cuthbert and Felix. �Early association with country solitudes," the narrator says, �had bred in him an unconquerable, and almost unreasonable, disfavor to modern town life, and shut him out from such success every bit he might accept aspired to past post-obit a mundane calling in the impracticability of the spiritual ane." Angel also dislikes the class consciousness of his brothers and the Victorian Age�s preoccupation with noble lineage.
....... So, at historic period xx-six, he finds himself at Talbothays studying dairy management after spending a cursory period elsewhere studying sheep farming. He lodges at the dairy subcontract. Tess also stays at the farm, sharing a room with three other milkmaids�Izz Huett, Retty Priddle, and Marian, all of whom are hopelessly in honey with Affections. Merely it is Tess who wins his eye. The wait he and Tess exchanged at the May trip the light fantastic had promise in information technology, and now that promise has blossomed�over milk pails and butter churns�into love.
....... On a sojourn at his father�s vicarage at Emminster, Angel brings his family up to date nearly his life at the farm. His minister brothers�Felix, a curate in a nearby county, and Cuthbert, a classical scholar and dean at a college in Cambridge�both think him much changed. They believe that
He was getting to behave like a farmer; he flung his legs nearly; the muscles of his face had grown more expressive; his eyes looked as much information as his tongue spoke, and more. The manner of the scholar had nearly disappeared; still more the manner of the drawing-room young man.  A prig would take said that he had lost civilisation, and a prude that he had become fibroid.  Such was the contamination of domiciliary fellowship with the Talbothays nymphs and swains.
....... Nevertheless, Angel tells the family unit that he likes country life. What is more, he says, he has set his center on a country girl, Tess. She would make a proper married woman for him, he says, noting that he shares with her a cognition of farm life. His parents had been under the impression that he would one mean solar day marry a local schoolteacher, Mercy Chant. All the same, his father is open to his lucifer with Tess and even says he will make coin available for Angel to buy farmland.
....... When Angel returns to Talbothays, he asks Tess to marry him. This news both gladdens and disturbs Tess. What if he finds about her past�Alec, the babe? So she says no. When he presses her on the question, she says, "Your father is a parson, and your mother wouldn't similar you to marry such as me. She will desire yous to marry a lady."
....... Angel informs her that he has already settled his parents' minds on the affair. Even so, he gives her time to consider the proposal, and 1 evening she decides to marry him:
"I shall give way�I shall say aye�I shall let myself marry him�I cannot help information technology!" she jealously panted, with her hot face to the pillow that night, on hearing one of the other girls sigh his [Angel�southward] name in her sleep.
....... On ane occasion, Tess tries to tell Angel about her past. Even so, failing to muster courage, she ends up telling him about her family�s d�Urberville connection, noting that �I was told you hated old families." Although he says that he does �hate the aloof principle of blood earlier everything," he makes light of Tess�s noble connection and says he loves her as well much to let it to thing.
....... Tess so writes home to ask her mother for advice. Her mother writes back, saying, �On no account do you say a word of your Bygone Trouble [with Alec] to him [Angel]."
....... However, on the dark earlier the wedding, Tess decides to tell all. She and Angel are staying at an inn later shopping and spending the day together�he in an attic room and she in a room beneath. Knowing that words might fail her if she tells of her past face to face, she writes a 4-page letter explaining everything, tiptoes upstairs, and slips it under his door. Unfortunately, he overlooks it, and the next day they ally.
....... Angel has arranged for them to spend their wedding night at an old mansion one time owned past the d'Urbervilles of onetime times. After they arrive, a messenger brings a bundle from Angel's female parent. It contains a diamond necklace, a bracelet, earrings, and small ornaments that Affections�due south late godmother, Mrs. Pitney, ordered in her will to be reserved for Angel's married woman. Tess puts them on, and she and Affections talk happily and eat supper. Jonathan Kail, one of Talbothays� employees, brings their luggage. He also bears shocking news: Retty Priddle tried to drown herself. Meanwhile, Marian got dead drunk, and Izz took on a somber mood. Tess well knows the cause of information technology all: They have lost Affections. Tess thinks,
They were simple and innocent girls on whom the unhappiness of unrequited beloved had fallen; they had deserved improve at the hands of Fate. She had deserved worse�yet she was the chosen one. It was wicked of her to take all without paying. She would pay to the uttermost farthing; she would tell [about her by], in that location and and then. This terminal conclusion she came to when she looked into the burn down, he belongings her mitt.
....... Only it is Angel who speaks upwards first, confessing an indiscretion of his ain�an intimate see with a woman in London. It lasted forty-eight hours, he says, �after which I awoke immediately to my sense of folly." Tess is understanding. Now believing it safe to ain up to her past, she tells him about her relationship with Alec. Angel�s reaction devastates Tess. Although he does not condemn her, he says her disclosure makes her a dissimilar woman from the one he courted. When she asks for forgiveness, he says, "O Tess, forgiveness does not utilize to the case! You lot were one person; now y'all are another."
....... Several days later, they split up, but Angel leaves open the possibility that they volition ane solar day reconcile�if he can reconcile himself with Tess�south by. Tess returns home to Marlott.
....... After visiting his parents, Angel prepares to travel to Brazil, touted in an advertizement, the narrator says, �equally a field for the emigrating agriculturist" with country available for �exceptionally advantageous terms." Before leaving, he drives out to settle an business relationship with a farmer. On the road, he chances upon Izz Huett and offers her a ride. Later traveling some distance, he asks her on a whim to accompany him to Southward America as his lover. She is willing. When he asks her whether she loves him, she says she does.
....... �More than than Tess?" he asks.
....... �No. . . . Nobody could dear �ee more than Tess did! She would take laid down her life for �ee."
....... The words repeat circular in Angel�s listen. Then he says, �Forget our idle talk. I don�t know what I�ve been saying." He turns around and drives Izz back to her home while Izz bursts into tears.
....... Meanwhile, Tess takes various temporary jobs, including dairy work due west of Blackmoor Valley near Port Bredy, to support herself and relieve the financial burdens on her parents, who need a new roof and rafters afterward damaging rains. She had already given them twenty-5 pounds from money Affections left her, but that was not enough. Finally, Tess accepts full-fourth dimension employment at a farm chosen Flintcombe-Ash, where she works as a field hand digging turnips and sometimes as a reed-drawer in a befouled. Marian and Izz work at that place, too, having left Talbothays because of the painful memories associated with it. Information technology was Marian who informed Tess of the availability of a job. The piece of work is hard, very difficult. Tess must labor in the fields through morn frosts and afternoon rains under the supervision of a taskmaster, Farmer Groby. If there is snow, she must work in the barn.
....... After a time, Tess decides to seek assistance from the Rev. and Mrs. Clare, whom Angel said she could call upon if she ever needed help. Even though the Rev. Clare's vicarage is fifteen miles away, she walks there on her day off, Sunday. When she arrives, no one is home. Afterward, she discovers that the Clares had gone to church building and, after the service ends, she waits for them behind hedges along the side of the route. When Angel's brothers, Cuthbert and Felix, approach, she overhears their conversation:
....... "Ah! poor Angel, poor Affections! I never see that dainty girl [Mercy Dirge] without more than and more than regretting his precipitancy in throwing himself away upon a dairymaid, or whatever she may be. It is a queer business, apparently. Whether she has joined him yet or not I don't know; but she had not done so some months agone when I heard from him."
......." "I can't say. He never tells me anything nowadays. His ill-considered marriage seems to have completed that estrangement from me which was begun past his extraordinary opinions."
....... Disheartened, she decides to return to Flintcombe-Ash. On her way, she comes to a barn where a government minister continuing on sacks of corn is preaching a peppery sermon: "O foolish galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should non obey the truth," he says. Tess recognizes the voice as that of Alec d'Urberville. When she passes by the open barn door, he recognizes her and afterward catches up with her on the road, telling her he has had a conversion experience. Just Tess questions his sincerity and resolve: "Such flashes as you feel, Alec, I fright don't last." He assures her that his conversion (brought almost by the Rev. James Clare) is genuine. At a place on the road called Cantankerous-in-Hand, he says he must plough right to preach at a 6 o'clock meeting. Before leaving, he says volition run across her again, a prospect Tess does non welcome. True to his give-and-take, he does visit her at Flintcombe-Ash, hoping she will consent to marrying him. Afterwards she informs him of her matrimony to Angel Clare and his trip abroad, he predicts that Angel will never return. He and so continues to visit Tess again and again.
....... Meanwhile, Tess's female parent becomes seriously ill and is expected to dice. But later Tess returns dwelling house, information technology is not her mother who dies (she rallies and recovers); information technology is her male parent. Plainly, his centre gave out.
....... Because the lease extends merely to his death, the landlord evicts Mrs. Durbeyfield and her children. They then travel to Kingsbere, the home of their ancestors, where they have arranged to rent rooms. But the deal falls through, and they are forced to military camp out.
....... Meanwhile, Angel�southward agricultural venture fails subsequently he becomes ill, and he decides to return to England. He as well at present realizes that he was wrong to abandon Tess. Later his inflow, he first tracks downwards Tess�s mother, Joan, who now lives in a cottage provided by Alec. She tells him Tess has moved to the seaside town of Sandbourne. Later traveling there and taking a room, he learns from the post office that Tess resides at a fashionable lodging firm, The Herons. When he meets Tess there, she tells him that Alec "won me back" after persuading her that Angel would never return. However, she adds,
I hate him at present, because he told me a lie�that yous would not come again; and you lot Accept come!  These clothes are what he's put upon me: I didn't care what he did wi' me!  But�will yous become abroad, Angel, please, and never come any more than?
Angel leaves.
....... When Tess returns to her apartment, she cries uncontrollably and blames Alec for misleading her. Angry words are exchanged. Sometime later, she goes out to detect Affections. In quarters below her apartment, the owner, Mrs. Brooks sees a red stain on the ceiling and notifies authorities, who discover Alec dead of stab wounds.
....... After Tess finds Affections, she tells him she killed Alec; he doubts her story. After traveling inland, they spend a calendar week together at an abandoned business firm before they are discovered. They and then head northward, hoping to book passage on a transport and get out the country. Even so, law catch upward with them when they are resting at Stonehenge, near Salisbury. The police arrest and jail Tess. Affections at present realizes Tess was telling the truth about killing Alec. Quondam later, Angel and Tess�s sister, Liza-Lu lookout man from a hill every bit a black flag rises over Salisbury Prison when Tess goes to the gallows.


Near of the activeness takes place in the late 19th Century in Southwestern England in the county of Wessex, the fictional proper noun of Dorset County. The town where Tess lives, Marlott (fictional), is iv hours from London by horse-fatigued motorbus or wagon. In Chapter 41, the activeness shifts for a fourth dimension to Curitiba, Brazil, where Angel Clare and other Englishmen discover that the promise of riches is an ignis fatuus. In Chapter 58, the scene shifts to the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge, north of the boondocks of Salisbury, England, in the county of Wiltshire. Author Thomas Hardy was built-in in Dorset County in 1840 and died in that location in 1928. Considering he knew the canton intimately, his descriptions of its landscape, its people, and its community band with actuality.


Tess Durbeyfield: Intelligent, sensitive, and bonny teenager who lives with her impoverished family in the hamlet of Marlott in Southwestern England. She is a diligent worker who helps her father support the family and assists her mother in looking afterward the younger children. The narrator says Tess has completed the Sixth Standard in the National School nether a London teacher and, therefore, can speak ii languages: the local dialect and standard English language. She could have become a teacher merely had to abandon her studies to go to work at dwelling house. Subsequently her father discovers one day that he is descended from an aristocratic family unit, the d'Urbervilles, he and his wife transport Tess to a wealthy family unit of that proper name in the neighboring village of Trantridge. The thought is to have Tess prevail upon the members of the family, the Stoke-d'Urbervilles, to provide financial help for their Marlott relatives. What Tess and her parents do not realize, however, is that the Trantridge d'Urbervilles�though indeed wealthy�are parvenus who adopted the d'Urberville name and are not relatives at all. Still, Tess lands a job in that location equally a poultry keeper after i of the family members, Alec, ogles the pretty Tess and plans to use her as his sexual plaything. Thereafter, all goes wrong for Tess as fate appears to unmarried her out its plaything.
John Durbeyfield: Middle-aged begetter of Tess. He is a self-described haggler who peddles goods and works the land. Simply because he is lazy and irresponsible, his family lives in constant want in a Marlott cottage. He relies heavily on Tess to assist go along the family unit going. When he discovers that he is a descendant of an aristocratic family unit (run across Tess Durbeyfield, above) he hopes to capitalize on the cachet of that proper noun.
Joan Durbeyfield: Mother of Tess. She is generally a pleasant, easygoing woman, although at times she manipulates Tess.
Abraham (Aby) Durbeyfield: Brother of Tess. He is nine years old at the beginning of the novel. Aby is with Tess on the night of the accident that kills their equus caballus, Prince.
Eliza-Louisa (Liza-Lu) Durbeyfield: Sister of Tess. At the beginning of the novel, she is twelve years sometime. She is with Angel Clare at Salisbury when Tess is executed.
Hope and Modesty Durbeyfield: Very young sisters of Tess.
Durbeyfield Toddlers: Brothers of Tess, ages iii and one at the beginning of the novel.
Simon Stoke-d'Urberville: Deceased businessman who made a fortune in northern England through hard piece of work and wise handling of coin. Before moving to southwestern England to live in a serenity country setting, he researched the families that had lived in that part of the country to observe a name "that would non too readily identify him with the smart tradesman [that he was in] the past." Amongst the names of "extinct, half-extinct, obscured, and ruined families" he came upon d'Urberville and, thinking it appropriate, "annexed it  to his ain name for himself and his heirs eternally." Afterwards his death, his wife and son keep to live on his estate in Trantridge. John and Joan Durbeyfield mistake the Stoke-d'Urbervilles as relatives.
Alexander (Alec) Stoke-d'Urberville: Son of Simon Stoke-d'Urberville. Afterward Tess arrives at the Stoke-d'Urberville estate, he gives her a job every bit a poultry keeper and immediately makes sexual advances toward her. Tess rejects them, merely he persists. I evening, while Tess is asleep, he sees his opportunity and seizes it, forever changing her and sending her on a tragic journeying.
Mrs. Stoke-d'Urberville: Mother of Alec d'Urberville and widow of Simon. She is blind and bars to her home. One of Tess's tasks as a poultry keeper is to take chickens to Mrs. d'Urberville so that she tin feel them.
Angel Clare: Son of a vicar and the vicar's second wife. Although Affections's begetter wants him to be a minister, Affections, who has studied at Cambridge, wishes to pursue a career in agronomics. He is more open-minded to new ideas than the rest of his family and more than accepting of common folk. While studying agriculture at a dairy where Tess works, he falls in love with her, and they eventually marry. Just when he learns well-nigh Tess'southward past, he leaves her shortly after the hymeneals.
Rev. James Clare: Vicar and begetter of Angel Clare. The narrator describes him equally a "spiritual descendant in the directly line from Wycliff, Huss, Luther, Calvin; an Evangelical of the Evangelicals, a Conversionist, a man of Apostolic simplicity in life and thought . . . [whose] creed of determinism was such that it nigh amounted to a vice."
Cutherbert and Felix Clare: Brothers of Angel Clare. Both become ministers. They look downward upon common folk, including Tess.
Richard Crick: Master dairyman at Talbothays Dairy, where Tess takes a chore and falls in beloved with Angel Clare.
Mrs. Crick: Wife of Richard Crick.
Izz Huett, Retty Priddle, Marian: Milkmaids at Talbothays Dairy who befriend Tess and share a room with her. They fall in honey with Angel Clare and are anxious when he marries Tess.
Mercy Dirge: Dainty young woman who conducts Bible classes. Before Angel Clare meets Tess, his parents think she would make him a fine wife.
Auto Darch: Shrewish immature woman who was a favorite of Alec Stoke-d'Urberville before he met Tess. She is nicknamed the Queen of Spades. When she picks a fight with Tess, Alec comes to Tess's rescue.
Nancy Darch: Car Darch's sis, known every bit the Queen of Diamonds. She backs her sister in the fight with Tess.
Car Darch'south Mother
Deborah Fyander: Elderly worker at Talbothays dairy farm. She helps Tess with skimming when other workers are unavailable.
Jonathan Kail: Talbothays worker who informs Tess and Angel on their wedding nighttime of the attempted suicide of Retty Priddle.
Bill Lewell, Beck Knibbs, Frances: Workers at Talbothays dairy farm.
Farmer Groby: Savage supervisor at Flintcombe-Ash dairy farm.
Amby Bulb: Man who declares his love for Izz Huett when she is working at Flintcombe-Ash.
Mrs. Pitney: Angel�due south late godmother, who ancestral jewelry to the wife of Angel.
Sis of Affections Clare: Oldest of Angel Clare'southward siblings. She had married a missionary and gone with him to Africa. Her picture hangs in the Clare dwelling.

Type of Work and Year of Publication

Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman is a novel depicting the dreary life and tragic death of country girl. Because the narrator maintains that she is a victim of forces she cannot control, literary critics have ofttimes characterized Tess as a naturalistic novel. (Encounter below.) Information technology was published in 1891.

Tess every bit a Naturalistic Novel

Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman exhibits the characteristics of literary naturalism, an extreme form of realism that adult in France in the 19th Century. It was inspired in part by the scientific determinism of Charles Darwin, an Englishman, and the economic determinism of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, both Germans. Four Frenchmen�Hippolyte Taine, Edmond and Jules Goncourt, and Emile Zola�applied the principles of scientific and economic determinism to literature to create literary naturalism. According to its followers, literary naturalism stresses the following beliefs:

    (1) Heredity and surroundings are the major forces that shape human beings. In Tess, Cuthbert and Felix Clare exemplify this principle in that they adopt their father's views and follow him into the ministry. Affections Clare dares to entertain different views and pursue a different career. Still, when he learns about Tess's by, the mindset of his family asserts itself and he abandons Tess.
    (2) Human being beings have no free will, or very piffling of it, because heredity and environment are and then powerful in determining the class of human activeness.
    (3) Human being beings, like lower animals, have no soul. Religion and morality are irrelevant. (Hardy's narrator promotes this position with preachments that are sometimes less than subtle.)
    (4) A literary work should present life exactly as it is. In this respect, naturalism is akin to realism. However, naturalism goes further than realism in that it presents a more detailed moving-picture show of everyday life. Whereas the realist author omits insignificant details when depicting a particular scene, a naturalist writer more often than not includes them. He wants the scene to be as �natural" as possible.
    (five) The naturalist writer should be painstakingly objective and discrete. (Hardy, yet, sometimes injects his ain views, allowing his narrator to rail against God and faith.)
    (6) Rather than manipulating characters as if they were puppets, the naturalist author prefers to observe the characters as if they were animals in the wild. Then he reports on their activity.
    (vii) Naturalism attempts to present dialogue as spoken in everyday life. Rather than putting �unnatural" wording in the mouth of a character, the naturalist writer attempts to reproduce the spoken language patterns of people in a particular time and place. (Hardy commonly succeeds in this respect when presenting dialogue spoken past common folk, such equally Tess's mother, Joan Durbeyfield. When she informs Tess well-nigh her father's noble heritage, she says, "O yep! 'Tis thoughted that great things may come up o't. No doubt a
    mampus of volk of our own rank will be down here in their carriages as soon equally 'tis known. Your father learnt it on his fashion hwome
    from Shaston, and he has been telling me the whole pedigree of the matter."
Naturalist writers generally achieve only limited success in adhering to Number 5. The main problem is that it is next to impossible for a writer to remain objective and detached, like a scientist in a laboratory. After all, a scientist analyzes existing natural objects and phenomena. A naturalist writer, on the other paw, analyzes characters he created; they may exist based on real people, but they themselves are not real. Thus, in bringing these characters to the printed folio, the naturalist writer brings a part of himself�a subjective office. For additional information about objectivity, meet Point of View, below.

Betoken of View

Thomas Hardy invests his narrator with omniscient, third-person point of view. In other words, the narrator can nowadays not only what people speak and say simply also what they think. Oftentimes, an omniscient narrator in a novel is objective, unbiased, reporting simply what takes place. Even so, in Tess, Hardy ofttimes uses his narrator equally a mouthpiece for his own opinions, as in the following example centering on the Durbeyfield children. In it, he characterizes them every bit victims of a divine plan gone wrong:

All these young souls were passengers in the Durbeyfield send�entirely dependent on the judgement of the ii Durbeyfield adults for their pleasures, their necessities, their health, even their being. If the heads of the Durbeyfield household chose to sail into difficulty, disaster, starvation, disease, degradation, death, thither were these half-dozen little captives under hatches compelled to sail with them�six helpless creatures, who had never been asked if they wished for life on any terms, much less if they wished for it on such hard conditions as were involved in beingness of the shiftless house of Durbeyfield. Some people would like to know whence the poet whose philosophy is in these days accounted equally profound and trustworthy as his song is breezy and pure, gets his authority for speaking of "Nature's holy plan."
Another example is the reference to God in the first judgement of the last paragraph of the novel, depicting a scene in which Angel Clare and Tess's little sister watch from a hilltop equally a flag rises over the prison at Salisbury.
"Justice" was washed, and the President of the Immortals, in Aeschylean phrase, had ended his sport with Tess. And the d'Urberville knights and dames slept on in their tombs unknowing. The two speechless gazers bent themselves downward to the globe, as if in prayer, and remained thus a long time, absolutely motionless: the flag continued to wave silently. As soon every bit they had strength, they arose, joined hands once again, and went on.
Nature Imagery

Tess of the d'Urbervilles is rich in nature imagery that establishes moods, presents allusions, makes comparisons, suggests the fate of Tess or another character, and presents views of the author. Here are examples:

From Chapter 14

Information technology was a hazy sunrise in Baronial. The denser nocturnal vapours, attacked by the warm beams, were dividing and shrinking into isolated fleeces within hollows and coverts, where they waited till they should be dried away to nothing. The sun, on account of the mist, had a curious sentient, personal look, demanding the masculine pronoun for its adequate expression. His nowadays attribute, coupled with the lack of all homo forms in the scene, explained the old-time heliolatries in a moment. One could experience that a saner religion had never prevailed under the sky. The luminary was a aureate-haired, beaming, mild-eyed, God-like fauna, gazing downward in the vigour and intentness of youth upon an earth that was brimming with interest for him. His calorie-free, a little afterwards, broke though chinks of cottage shutters, throwing stripes like cherry-red-hot pokers upon cupboards, chests of drawers, and other furniture within; and awakening harvesters who were not already astir.
Comment: This paragraph is an extended metaphor in which the narrator personifies the sun.
Heliolatries: Religions that worshipped the sun. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the sun god was named Ra. In ancient Greek mythology, the sun god was named Helios. Start in the Fifth Century BC, the Greeks began identifying Apollo as a sun god.
Ane . . . sky: This sentence presents the view that "natural" religion is preferable to organized faith.
From Chapter 16
The river itself, which nourished the grass and cows of these renowned dairies, flowed non like the streams in Blackmoor. Those were deadening, silent, often turbid; flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares. The Froom waters were articulate as the pure River of Life shown to the Evangelist, rapid as the shadow of a cloud , with pebbly shallows that prattled to the sky all day long. At that place the water-flower was the lily; the crow-foot hither.
.......Either the change in the quality of the air from heavy to lite, or the sense of existence amid new scenes where there were no invidious optics upon her, sent up her spirits wonderfully. Her hopes mingled with the sunshine in an ideal photosphere which surrounded her every bit she
divisional along against the soft south air current. She heard a pleasant voice in every cakewalk , and in every bird's note seemed to lurk a joy.
Froom . . . Life: Simile.
From . . . cloud: Simile.
Pebbly . . . prattled: Alliteration and personifcation.
Soft south: Alliteration.
Pleasant . . . breeze: Personification.
From Chapter 24
July passed over their heads, and the Thermidorean weather which came in its wake seemed an attempt on the part of Nature to match the land of hearts at Talbothays Dairy. The air of the place, and so fresh in the spring and early summer, was stagnant and demanding at present. Its heavy scents weighed upon them, and at mid-day the landscape seemed lying in a swoon . Ethiopic scorchings browned the upper slopes of the pastures, merely there was nevertheless bright green herbage here where the watercourses purled. And every bit Clare was oppressed by the outward heats, so was he burdened inwardly past waxing fervour of passion for the soft and silent Tess.
Thermidorean: Describing word referring to Thermidor, a calendar month in the calendar used during the French Revolution. Thermidor began on July xx (Gregorian calendar) and ended on August 18.
Effort . . . match: Personification.
Landscape . . . swoon: Personification.
Ethiopic: Adjective referring to the African state of Federal democratic republic of ethiopia.
Where the watercourses: Alliteration.
Soft and silent: Alliteration.
From Affiliate 29
At showtime Tess seemed to regard Angel Clare equally an intelligence rather than equally a man. As such she compared him with herself; and at every discovery of the abundance of his illuminations, of the distance between her own modest mental standpoint and the unmeasurable, Andean altitude of his, she became quite dejected, disheartened from all further effort on her own part whatever.
Andean Altitude: Metaphor and hyperbole comparing Angel's intellect to the altitude of the Andes, a mountain range in South America with the highest summit in the western hemisphere, Mount Aconcagua, which rises 22,831 feet.
From Chapter 50
Though the air was fresh and keen there was a whisper of spring in it that cheered the workers on. Something in the identify, the hours, the crackling fires, the fantastic mysteries of light and shade, fabricated others every bit well as Tess enjoy beingness there. Nightfall, which in the frost of winter comes every bit a fiend and in the warmth of summertime as a lover, came as a tranquillizer on this March day.
Air . . . it: Personification.
Mysteries . . . made: Alliteration.
Allusions and Directly References

Hardy alludes or direct refers to literature, including the Bible, and historical and mythological figures to underscore themes or the qualities or attitudes of characters. Following are examples:

Chapter 19: Angel Clare as Peter the Great

It was true that he [Angel Clare] was at present out of his grade. But she [Tess] knew that was only because, like Peter the Great in a shipwright'due south 1000, he was studying what he wanted to know. He did not milk cows considering he was obliged to milk cows, but because he was learning to be a rich and prosperous dairyman, landowner, agriculturist, and breeder of cattle. He would become an American or Australian Abraham, commanding like a monarch his flocks and his herds, his spotted and his band-straked, his men-servants and his maids.
Peter the Great: Peter I (1672-1725), arbiter and later emperor of Russia who shaped his state into a great ability. Early in his rule, i of his priorities was to educate himself about life in Europe and to acquire technology that would empower his regime. To accomplish these tasks, he lived in Western Europe for a time under an causeless proper noun. To gain the noesis necessary to build a formidable navy, he worked equally a carpenter in a Dutch shipyard and later labored in a British Royal Navy yard.
Abraham: Hebrew patriarch who went forth in the Second Millennium BC. from his native city, Ur, to plant a great nation, supervising the disposed of sheep and other animals forth the way.
Affiliate xix: Tess every bit a Dispirited Queen of Sheba
......."Why practice you expect and so woebegone of a sudden?" he [Affections Clare] asked.
......."Oh, 'tis only�virtually my ain self," she said, with a frail express mirth of sadness . . . . Merely a sense of what might have been with me! My life looks equally if it had been wasted for desire of chances!  When I run into what yous know, what you accept read, and seen, and idea, I experience what a zero I am! I'm like the poor Queen of Sheba who lived in the Bible. In that location is no more spirit in me."
Queen of Sheba: Ruler of Saba' (Sheba) in Arabia in the 10th Century BC who visited King Solomon to test his knowledge and wisdom. Hither was the result, as told in iii Kings, Chapter 10, Verses iii-5:
And Solomon informed her of all the things she proposed to him: at that place was not any discussion the male monarch was ignorant of, and which he could not answer her. And when the queen of Saba saw all the wisdom of Solomon, and the house which he had built, and the meat of his table, and the apartments of his servants, and the order of his ministers, and their clothes, and the cupbearers, and the holocausts, which he offered in the firm of the Lord, she had no longer any spirit in her.
Affiliate 20: Happiness in the Garden of Eden
Being so often�possibly non always past take a chance�the first two persons to get up at the dairy-business firm, they [Angel and Tess] seemed to themselves the first persons upwardly of all the world. In these early days of her residence here Tess did non skim, but went out of doors at once afterward ascension, where he was by and large awaiting her. The spectral, one-half-compounded, aqueous low-cal which pervaded the open up mead impressed them with a feeling of isolation, as if they were Adam and Eve.
Affiliate 23: Metaphor Alluding to a Shakespeare Trope
.......His attribute was probably as un-Sabbatarian a one equally a dogmatic parson's son oftentimes presented; his attire beingness his dairy apparel, long wading boots, a cabbage-leaf inside his hat to keep his head cool, with a thistle-spud to finish him off.  "He's non going to church building," said Marian.
......."No�I wish he was!" murmured Tess.
.......Angel, in fact, rightly or wrongly (to prefer the prophylactic phrase of evasive controversialists), preferred sermons in stones to sermons in churches and chapels on fine summer days.
Sermons in stones: Words spoken by Duke Senior in Scene 1 of Act 2 in Shakespeare'south As You Like It. The knuckles is exulting in the advantages of life in the forest, where nature speaks the sermons instead of a representative of organized faith. To access the As You lot Like It study guide, click here.
Chapter 27: Eve Regarding Adam
Having been lying down in her wearing apparel she was warm equally a sunned cat. At offset she would non wait directly up at him, just her eyes presently lifted, and his plumbed the deepness of the ever-varying pupils, with their radiating fibrils of blue, and blackness, and greyness, and violet, while she regarded him as Eve at her 2nd waking might have regarded Adam.
Chapter 29: Life Beyond Eden
The outskirt of the garden in which Tess found herself had been left uncultivated for some years, and was at present clammy and rank with juicy grass which sent up mists of pollen at a touch; and with alpine blooming weeds emitting offensive smells�weeds whose red and yellow and purple hues formed a polychrome as dazzling equally that of cultivated flowers. She went stealthily every bit a cat through this profusion of growth, gathering cuckoo-spittle on her skirts, nifty snails that were underfoot, staining her hands with thistle-milk and slug-slime, and rubbing off upon her naked arms mucilaginous blights which, though snow-white on the apple-tree trunks, made madder stains on her skin; thus she drew quite near to Clare, still unobserved of him.
Chapter 35: Allusion to Shakespeare's Lear
......."Angel!�Angel! I [Tess] was a child�a child when it happened!  I knew zero of men."
......."You were more sinned confronting than sinning, that I [Affections Clare] admit."
Sinned . . . sinning: In Scene two of Act 3 of Shakespeare's play Male monarch Lear, the title character says, "I am a man / More sinn'd confronting than sinning." Lear had just been rejected by two of his daughters, who are conspiring confronting him. To admission the King Lear study guide, click here.
Chapter 45: Corrupted Alec (Adam) Attempting to Alibi Himself
"I accept done nothing!" said he indifferently. "Heaven, as I accept been telling my hearers, has done all. No amount of contempt that you can pour upon me, Tess, will equal what I have poured upon myself�the erstwhile Adam of my former years!
Chapter 50: Alec Claiming Tess Wrongfully Regards Him as Satanic
......."A jester might say this is merely like Paradise. You lot are Eve, and I am the one-time Other One come up to tempt y'all in the disguise of an junior creature. I used to exist quite up in that scene of Milton'due south when I was theological. Some of it goes�
"Empress, the way is fix, and not long,
Beyond a row of myrtles...
... If thou take
My bear, I can bring thee thither presently."
"Atomic number 82 and so," said Eve.
Milton's: Reference to John Milton (1608-1674), author of the great epic poem Paradise Lost.

The climax of the novel takes identify on the wedding dark of Tess and Affections later Tess reveals to her new husband the details of her relationship with Alec d'Urberville. The key moment occurs when Angel rejects Tess, saying that her disclosure makes him realize that she is non the woman he believed her to be. His inability to accept Tess as she is precipitates the tragic events that follow. At that place is a kind of secondary climax that occurs when police take hold of upwards with and arrest Tess at Stonehenge.

. .


Hardy presents a earth in which circumstances beyond the control of Tess determine her destiny. Luck, chance, coincidence, and ecology forces continually piece of work against Tess to entangle her in one predicament later on another. Her social status, her accident with the horse, her row with Motorcar Darch, the woods encounter with Alec and the resulting pregnancy, the decease of her father, the eviction of her family unit, and and so on all weave her into a spider web from which there is no escape. The narrator calls attention to this theme in Chapter xi afterwards Alec rapes�or seduces�Tess:

Equally Tess's own people downward in those retreats are never tired of proverb among each other in their fatalistic fashion: "It was to exist." There lay the pity of it. An immeasurable social chasm was to divide our heroine's personality thereafter from that previous self of hers who stepped from her mother'southward door to endeavor her fortune at Trantridge poultry-farm.
Male Predominance and Sexual Harassment

In the 19th Century, males dominated order and expected females to practise their bidding. Tess�southward resistance to the advances of Alec succeed for a fourth dimension, just he somewhen entraps her after continually harassing her. Although Angel loves Tess and marries her, he abandons her shortly after their wedding when he discovers what happened between her and Alec. Information technology does not thing to him that he himself had an affair before he was married. Men may stray with impunity, he believes. Women may non. Subsequently Tess�s father, John Durbeyfield dies, his wife and children are evicted. It was he who was privileged to concur the lease to their property, non his wife.


This theme manifests itself in Chapter ii when Angel Clare asks his brothers to attend the country May trip the light fantastic with him. Felix replies, �Dancing in public with a troop of state hoydens�suppose nosotros should be seen!" In Affiliate 40, Mercy Chant exhibits an anti-Catholic bias after she hears that Affections is going abroad. Hither is the passage:

.......She had learnt that he was about to leave England, and observed what an excellent and promising scheme it seemed to be.
......."Yes; it is a likely scheme enough in a commercial sense, no doubtfulness," he replied.  "But, my dear Mercy, information technology snaps the continuity of being. Perhaps a cloister would be preferable."
......."A cloister!  O, Angel Clare!"
......."Why, y'all wicked man, a cloister implies a monk, and a monk Roman Catholicism."
......."And Roman Catholicism sin, and sin damnation. Thou art in a parlous state, Angel Clare" [3rd person reference to himself].
......."I glory in my Protestantism!" she said severely.

Affections Clare's brothers, Felix and Cuthbert, are conformists who adopt current fashions and adjust their literary and artistic tastes to whatever is pop at the time. They seem to correspond the conformists in the general population who exhibit petty original thinking and lack the courage to consider news ideas or claiming established ideas. In the following passage from Chapter 25, the narrator discusses their conformacy:

After breakfast he walked with his two brothers, non-evangelical, well-educated, hall-marked young men, right to their remotest fibre, such unimpeachable models as are turned out yearly by the lathe of a systematic tuition. They were both somewhat short-sighted, and when it was the custom to wear a single eyeglass and string they wore a single eyeglass and string; when it was the custom to wear a double glass they wore a double glass; when it was the custom to wear glasses they wore spectacles straightway, all without reference to the particular multifariousness of defect in their own vision. When Wordsworth was enthroned they carried pocket copies; and when Shelley was belittled they allowed him to grow dusty on their shelves. When Correggio's Holy Families were admired, they admired Correggio's Holy Families; when he was decried in favour of Velasquez, they sedulously followed suit without any personal objection.
The Lure of Money

After John Durbeyfield learns that he has noble ancestors, he and his wife hatch a "projick," equally Joan Durbeyfield calls information technology, to send Tess on a mission to claim a human relationship with a wealthy family, the Stoke-d'Urbervilles, that the Durbeyfields mistakenly believe has descended from the aforementioned ancestors. Their goal is straightforward and crass: to constitute kinship with the Stoke-d'Urbervilles and thereby qualify for fiscal assistance from them. The Durbeyfields entertain the hope that Tess may even marry into the family and go a source of benefactions. When Tess first resists the idea, the Durbeyfield children join their voices with those of their parents in urging Tess to seek out the Stoke-d'Urbervilles, saying that if Tess does not accede to the programme, "we shan't accept a prissy new horse, and lots o' gold money to buy fairlings!" Afterward in the novel, Alec d'Urberville uses money to attempt to win Tess. He succeeds. Hither is the scenario: After John Durbeyfield dies and his family is evicted, Alec offers to house the Durbeyfields if Tess will yield to him. Tess�ever concerned about the welfare of her family�accepts his proffer.


Situational Irony

Tess Durbeyfield and her family are commoners descended from nobility. Alec d'Urberville and his mother are wealthy landowners who, though perceived as nobility, are actually members of the bourgeois grade. It seems that Hardy intends this situational irony as a rebuke of society'south excessive emphasis on lineage and material possessions�or, in short, name recognition and appearances. Truthful nobility, he says, lies in the heart, not in a genealogical table or a wallet. Information technology is too ironic that Tess, a immature woman of minor education, intuitively knows more about what really matters in life than either Angel Clare or Alec d'Urberville, both exhibiting a noesis of literature, art, philosophy, and faith but lacking in the cognition to make the right moral decisions.

Dramatic Irony

Hardy uses dramatic irony to create suspense or to reveal a truth, a situation, an attitude, or a trait of which at least 1 graphic symbol is unaware. In the climax of the story, for example, dramatic irony reveals a bias in Angel of which he is ignorant. The moment occurs when he has a change of heart after Tess tells him nearly her past. Previously, he had declared himself more than tolerant and less judgmental than his brothers, also as Victorian society in general. But this moment reveals him as just as biased as his brothers in regard to what they deem acceptable or unacceptable deport for a woman. However, he is blind to this shortcoming; to him, it is Tess who is blameworthy. The narrator stresses his self-blindness later, when Angel visits his parents. At supper, they have a Bible reading from Affiliate 31 of the Book of Proverbs, Verses x-31, in which Rex Lemuel reports a vision of his mother. In information technology, his female parent instructs him in the ways and qualities of a of a wise and virtuous married woman. Afterward, the narrator writes,

With all his attempted independence of judgement this advanced and well-significant young human, a sample product of the last five-and-xx years, was yet the slave to custom and conventionality when surprised dorsum into his early teachings.  No prophet had told him, and he was not prophet enough to tell himself, that essentially this young wife of his was equally deserving of the praise of King Lemuel as any other adult female endowed with the aforementioned dislike of evil, her moral value having to be reckoned non by accomplishment merely by trend.
Another example of dramatic irony occurs when Affections's mother decides to accept Tess as a suitable wife for him at the very fourth dimension when he and Tess are separating, a development of which Mrs. Clare is unaware. She says, "In that location are worse wives than these elementary, rosy-mouthed, robust girls of the farm. Certainly I could have wished�well, since my son is to exist an agriculturist, it is possibly but proper that his wife should take been accustomed to an outdoor life."

Ironic Thesis

One of Hardy'due south chief theses in Tess is that heredity, environment, and pure chance shape the lives of people. They have little or no free volition. Ironically, however, Hardy rebukes Victorian club for its moral and social attitudes. In other words, Hardy is condemning social club for deportment over which (he theorizes) it has no control.

Study Questions and Essay Topics

i. Write an essay analyzing the significance of passages that present white or black (or light or dark) images. Following are several passages to become you started:

The district is of historic, no less than of topographical interest. The Vale was known in former times equally the Forest of White Hart, from a curious legend of King Henry Iii's reign, in which the killing past a sure Thomas de la Lynd of a cute white hart which the male monarch had run down and spared, was made the occasion of a heavy fine. (Affiliate 2)

In addition to the distinction of a white frock, every woman and girl carried in her right hand a peeled willow wand, and in her left a bunch of white flowers. The peeling of the former, and the option of the latter, had been an operation of personal care. (Chapter 2)

The wind blew through Tess's white muslin to her very skin, and her washed hair flew out behind. She was determined to show no open up fear, but she clutched d'Urberville's rein-arm. (Chapter 8)

The obscurity was now then not bad that he could encounter absolutely zilch merely a pale nebulousness at his feet, which represented the white muslin figure he had left upon the dead leaves. Everything else was blackness alike. D'Urberville stooped; and heard a gentle regular breathing. He knelt and aptitude lower, till her breath warmed his face, and in a moment his cheek was in contact with hers. She was sleeping soundly, and upon her eyelashes at that place lingered tears. (Chapter 11)

Her [Tess's] figure looked singularly tall and imposing as she stood in her long white nightgown, a thick cable of twisted nighttime pilus hanging straight downwardly her dorsum to her waist. (Chapter fourteen)

2. John d'Urberville rejoices when he discovers that he has descended from nobility. How important was aloof lineage to Englishmen ....of the Nineteenth Century?
3. In an informative essay, write a psychological profile of Tess, Angel, or Alec.
4. How commonplace was sexual harassment of young women in England in the 1900s?
5. Tess was executed for the murder of Alec d'Urberville. Was she guilty of first-caste murder or a lesser crime, such every bit manslaughter? ....Or, because her state of mind and the wrongs done to her, was she innocent? Class a jury with your classmates to consider these ....questions, then evangelize a verdict.
vi. Writer Thomas Hardy maintains that chance, coincidence, and environmental forces shape a person's destiny? Practise you lot hold with ....him? Explain your answer.
7. Write an essay explaining the extent to which Thomas Hardy was influenced by events in his ain life when he wrote Tess.
8. In an informative essay, discuss how Hardy uses symbolism in Tess to develop the story and its themes. An essay on this topic might ....suggest, for example, that Blackmoor Valley represents the dour life of Tess Durbeyfield and other common folk like her. Her life is ....like a black moor, a dreary wasteland. Information technology might likewise propose that the white wearable Tess ofttimes wears symbolizes innocence and ....that Marlott, the village, in which the Durbeyfields live represents the marred lot (lot hither significant fate, destiny) of Tess. Other symbols ....to look for may include animals, the weather, plants, the sky and its orbs, religious objects, historical sites, and people.

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Source: https://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/Guides4/Tess.html

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